Meet The Team

Executive Director
Tammy Creley
With a Bachelor of Science in Social Science and a plethora of experience in teaching, business operations, and management experience, Tammy's leadership has been vital to executing our mission. In addition to all the training our staff is required to complete, Tammy also has experience using SQUARES, and the Veterans Master List (VML). Her experience and leadership are invaluable to our mission. Tammy has bravery and fortitude to reach across barriers. In 2020, when access to services were practically non-existent during COVID shutdowns, Tammy led outreach teams into the field, bringing food and supplies to homeless encampments, taking the time to serve and commune with them, and gain their trust.

HR / Finance Manager
Nikkie Niquette
Nikkie has also been with FOB Hope for the last seven years. As a veteran herself, and with a Bachelors of Science in SOcial Sciences, and minor in non-profit management, Nikkie has the knowledge and lived experiences of the veterans we serve. Nikkie serves in many roles in our organization, including financial management, day-to-day needs of the business, and supports veterans with paperwork necessary to obtain benefits. Not only that, but Nikkie also serves the veterans as one of our case managers. For our outreach services, Nikkie will serve as our coordinated entry specialist, Nikkie is also trained in navigating VML, HMIS, SQUARES, National Archives, Veterans Records.

Programs Operations Manager
Jaquan Satchel
Jay has been with FOB Hope for the past 5 years, serving alongside Tammy and Nikkie in our outreach services. For the past two years, he served as the Assistant Site Manager for the veterans village. Jay's lived experience of overcoming homelessness and being a person of color gives him a unique ability to make positive, lasting connections within our outreach services and at your veterans village when it was running. Having also gone though all the required training to include HMIS, VML, and SQUARES, Jay has a well-rounded mix of both education and experience to make a strong impact in the homeless community. Jay is also qualified to serve in a case manager role as needed.

Case Manager
Kara Gadberry
Kara has been with FOB Hope for the last 2 years now, she started with us by being a client and moving into our veterans village, from there she showed the drive to help us with our goal of getting the homeless veterans off the streets. With her being a veteran that we have helped and has become apart of our team she can connect with our clients on a different level and understanding that some of us can. She has taken the role of Case Manager and has gone through SQUARES, and HMIS training to be efficient in her role of being a case manager.

Media Director
Taylor Satchel
Taylor has been working behind the scenes for FOB Hope for the last 3 years, she has done everything from making the uniforms to helping with outreach. Taylor has not been one to be afraid to get her hands dirty if needed and always there to help when we need extra hands. She has just graduated and received her AA in Digital Design and has offered to step in as the new Media Director. With her help we will be more proactive on all social medias and will have more information on how you can contribute to our mission.